Wednesday, January 6, 2016

I remember back when know one used to care who I was. To be honest I didn't care who I was. I had so many social problems. I didn't help that I was not very good In school either. So bad that I had two math classes. I had a math class every day. I remember that there was this really pretty popular girl that sat behind me. I would try once in awhile to strike up a conversation with her. I complimented her shoes. I remember I would turn around completly to give her a piece of paper instead of throwing it over my shoulder . I remember thinking to myself why on earth would she ever talk to me. I remember my mom telling me the girls my age don't realize who the good guys are. I remember thinking one day I'm gonna be one of those guys that talk to the pretty girls and go on dates with them. I'm still waiting for the day to come. 
Ps. I remember when I used to love this class. I wish I still did. It not you, it's me.
Stay up, Stay up


Sunday, December 13, 2015

Levi Window

I really hope I'm not on your bad side... My personal favorite blog post is "Disclaimer: Does not apply to all"

Sunday, November 29, 2015

The Frontiersman

"Daniel Boone was considered a true example of the American spirit of living and conquering the land without devastating it. Many stories circulate about his survival in the wilderness. He killed a bear when he was three years old." 
  We all have a role model we try to live up to. I'm not saying that Daniel Boone is mine but he was a true Frontiersman. A Frontiersman goes into the unknown with courage. One day I want to be able to do the same just like all the people I look up to. It's not all about being "granola" or super in love with nature. It's about doing things you're scared to do. I'm scared of speaking in front of people, I'm scared what comes after high school, and I'm scared of getting old. 

Sunday, November 15, 2015

My Heart

I don't know how my Heart is doing. I have permanently cut the wires that go from my Heart to my Brain. It's much easier this way trust me. I make less mistakes this way. Good luck out there buddy.

Where ever you are.

Friday, November 6, 2015

My hair is falling out

I'm pretty sure I have a tumor in my head the size of a baseball.

Im stressing over girls

I'm stressing over horny assholes I call friends. I can not put words into the way I feel about my "Friends".....

The silence discribes it better than words ever could. Of course you respect your girlfriend like a little princess. But when it comes to some other girl, someone else's daughter, someone else's friend. You treat her like a piece of meat. What a way to live fellas.... If you are reading which you you probably are..... FUCK YOU!
There now this is a good post  because  I said fuck...

I'm stressing over a mission too as you can tell ^^^^

My hair is really falling out.

Monday, October 26, 2015

I feel bad for track 6

"Miss interpreting high school is common. We often forget how non important it really is. You will never talk to any of your friends you have now after high school". We hear this all the time...

I'm telling you I promise I will know my friends for the rest of my life. High school is a huge contest of "who is more popular"? None of that will matter after high school. You won't even remember who the most popular was.

My friends and I have gone through many trials together as a group. There are some things we experienced that we will never forget. Breaking the barrier of the " hard ass kids" is hard to do. Maybe if we opened up to each other more we could have avoided some terrible things.